Welcome to the Neighborhood
Bringing you true crime and paranormal stories, one city at a time. Hosted by Cyndy Martinez Produced by Jorge Escutia
Podcasting since 2020 • 11 episodes
Welcome to the Neighborhood
Latest Episodes
Chicago, Illinois-The Murder of Marlen Ochoa Lopez
On this week’s episode, Cyndy is once again covering a case in her hometown of Chicago. OnApril 23rd, 2019, pregnant Marlen Ochoa-Lopez leaves school as usual, but never arrives to pickup her son. An ongoing case, this is one of the mos...
Season 2
Episode 27

Philadelphia,Pennsylvania-Eastern State Penitentiary
In our paranormal episode this week, Cyndy covers Philadelphia’s Eastern State Penitentiary.The most haunted and historic prison in the United States, and widely regarded as the mosthaunted building in the country. Send us your ghost st...
Season 2
Episode 26

Philadelphia,Pennsylvania-Gary Heidnik
On this week’s true crime episode, Cyndy takes us to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, where theinfamous House of Horrors Killer, Gary Heidnik, inspiration for the Silence of the Lamb’sBuffalo Bill, kidnapped six women and held them captive i...
Season 2
Episode 25

Spooktober Fest-The Exorcism of Anneliese Michel
On this week’s Spooktober Fest episode, Cyndy tells the story of Anneliese Michel. A nationalsensation in Germany, and later 2005’s the Exorcism of Emily Rose. Was this a real case ofdemonic possession, or mental illness? Find out the c...
Season 2
Episode 21

Spooktober Fest-The Legend of Bloody Mary
On this week’s Spooktober Fest episode, Cyndy talks about the most infamous modern urbanlegend, Bloody Mary. Why do we summon her? And is it really just a game? Send us yourghost stories at welcometotheneighborhoodpod@gmail.com Follow u...
Season 2
Episode 20